Getting Great Workmen

by Susan from SVM Interiors Ltd

Dinning after

I was at a fantastic and very expensive home over the weekend in Miami.  The value of it was around $15 million, a hell of a lot of money for sure.  It got me thinking about the workmen or contractors and sub contractors on a job and how the work that’s produced is only as good as these professionals we hire to execute the work.

On all of the projects I have worked on, It’s been my priority to develop really good relationships with my workmen.  Actually, it’s essential for the completion of a succesful project. I treat them with respect and let them get on with the job they were hired to do, only intervening if I feel for some reason it wasn’t done to a high enough standard.  Contractors do not like Interior Designers to run around telling them how to do their job, because 9 times out of ten the designer doesn’t not know any better than they do; a lot of contractors do not like working with designers because of that reason.

I’ve dug out a pic of some of the guys I’ve worked with and some befores and afters which are always good to see as a reference point.



This room had great existing architectural elements, but needed a lot of work to get them back into shape after receiving years of paint.


Same window elevation, after, with new fireplace, flooring, wall covering, fixtures and fittings, paintwork to all surfaces.


Other end of the room with existing built in cupboards.


Same view, panned out a little more, with new fireplace, floors, wall covering, fixtures and fittings, painted woodwork.


Master bathroom, before.  Don’t you just love the venetian doll…..


Master bathroom, after removing existing elements.


Master bathroom, mid construction.  Bath remained in the same place. As it was an old property, many repairs to the walls were undertaken along with new electrical and plumbing.


Finished product.  Opposite the bath is a steam room/shower and a double vanity with built in cupboards above.

None of this would have been possible without using tried and trusted contractors, it’s essential to a succesful project and happy clients.